Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Multi Color Quilt Design

I thought I would put a little color in our lives! I'm not ready for winter or for the snow. I love all the bright colors & I'm not one to follow rules. So I don't care if it's after Labor Day, I'm still wearing white if I feel like it. If it's fall I still wanna wear all my bright colored nail polish. It brightens my day. This mani was done a few months ago but I wanted to share it with you incase you needed your day a little brighter. Be a rebel! Wear black after Memorial Day, wear hot pink polish in the winter. Do what makes you happy! You only live once. Have a great week.

Plus look how gorgeous & green my grass was in the background. ;0) It doesn't look like that now.
Hopefully I will figure out how to make my pictures bigger on my blog one day. If you have any tips, I would love them. I'm doing this from my IPad cuz my laptop cord is broken. So maybe that will help when I get a new cord.

Sincerely From the Heart,

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