Do you ever enter a contest & forget that you entered? I received an email today stating I entered this giveaway & I WON! I had to google the email address because I wasn't even sure who it was from. I figured it out. It was from a nail polish company called NCLA Nail Lacquers. I entered a giveaway called Light Up The Night. I won 3 nail lacquers in the giveaway. I'm so excited to try these.
Light Up The Night Collection (description & picture from their website)
Et Voilà! Our rich metallic gold, shiny silver glitz and black sparkle glamor. This stunning collection contains Bel Air Trophy Wife, LAX Jet Setter and Hollywood and Vine Starlet. Please, turn heads responsibly!
Here if you would like to check out their other polishes & upcoming giveaways.
I will definitely swatch & review these when I get them.
Thx NCLA for this awesome giveaway. A $39.00 value.
Thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love your input & opinions.
Sincerely From the Heart,
Don't forget to
Enter Giveaway ending February 29, 2012.